Wednesday 11 September 2024

Back where I'm meant to be

Since my last post my progress has been, intermittent.  Not galloping back as I'd hoped but at least still moving forward.  I ended up in A&E as a check up at the doctor had my heart rate at 34!!!  I felt a lot better than the nurse who took the measurement.  Looked like she needed a seat whereas I felt fine.  5 hours in A&E after more tests, and ECG and blood tests and I was sent home.  I felt absolutely fine but had to contact my cardiologist as it was recommended I change my medication.
More on that later but it didn't exactly fill me with confidence going out running and more importantly the weather was sh1te!  I did a few 5-6 km runs but nothing that was straining the "old ticker".  On Friday I had a day off and the sun was shining so Beth, Poppy (the dog) & I headed up Ben Ledi.  It's not far from Glasgow, doesn't take long and as there is a path, with a bit of care you can run down.  What a beautiful climb and although it was extremely windy on top, we had a fantastic time.  This is our happy place and we both couldn't wipe the smile from our faces on the summit.  Poppy was so excited and on led the way as we ran down the mountain.  1hr 45 mins of fun and fabulous views.
The following day I was out in Glencoe with my pal Michael Martin.  We climbed; Stob Coire Sgreamhach 1,072m, Bidean nan Bian 1,150m and Stob Coire nan Lochan 1,115m.  Michael set an easy pace for me and my heart behaved although it was a long trek of about 4.5 hours.  This is me back to where I am meant to be.  Michael took some amazing photos and two drone videos which are spectacular - they are on my FB page.  But an adventure with Michael wouldn't be the same without a silly trip, a summersault, 2 cut hands and knees!  The blood running down my leg looked worse than it was but a wee reminder that it's easy to get hurt on the mountains.  From now on I'll carry with me the supplies required to tend to such a wound although I had plenty of offers from other climbers - heart felt thanks, the kindness of strangers.
Yesterday I ran 10km but didn't feel great.  Not the place I want to be with the Glasgow half marathon on 6 October.  I know I won't be in the condition required for a good time like last year, but I aim to enjoy running with the crowds and celebrating afterwards with friends, pasta and beer!
Today I spoke to my cardiologist and we have a plan starting with, stopping my medication!  We'll monitor how my heart behaves over the next month on no medication.  My heart really does seem to be behaving so perhaps it's my head that needs a good talking to.
The best medicine will be in the mountains with Beth, Poppy and friends.  I'll be retiring at the end of this year and will be able to pick and choose my trips into the mountains based around the weather and not restricted to weekends.  I really am back where I'm meant to be.

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