Friday, 3 February 2012

Learn something new every day

I always try and learn something new every day and today was no exception.  I was at a professional development workshop and the first thing I learned was that, despite not being the oldest, I had been in the financial services sector the longest - 33 years.  At first I thought I may have the arithmetic wrong and then realised I didn't.  What was throwing me out however was the amount of totally grey haired gentlemen (I have my share) in the room with expanded waistlines, if you get my drift.  It made me realise how lucky I am to have triathlon to keep in shape.
It also made me think how fast time passes and therefore we must make the most of it.  We always put off doing certain things in life and if, for whatever reason, that window of opportunity was reduced we'd end up cramming it in hoping we'd get there before it's too late.  So why wait?  If you've got something you've always wanted to do, start working out how to do it rather than focusing on what's stopping you.  As the phrase goes, you're a long time dead!  Dare to dream.  Start this weekend and enjoy the journey.