Monday, 10 October 2011

Running on empty!

Early morning swim was almost missed due to the lack of petrol in my car!  Watching my computer tell me I had 0 miles of fuel when I had 3 miles to go was rather uncomfortable.  A lot of squirming in my seat as I cursed myself for not having filled up the day before but I had an excuse. I was soaking wet after my run and didn't want to scare anyone at the petrol station as I got out in my trisuit - looks ok in a race but not a petrol station!
I was 10 minutes late but completed my 1,800 m  swim and felt great - now to refuel myself.  1 litre of chocolate milk, a banana and 2 Frusli bars all to be washed down with a strong coffee.  Refuelling is essential as it helps repair the muscles after exercise.  Tonight I have a 40 min Gym session followed by a 40 min run so I'll need to have something in the "tank" before I start and something when I finish to replenish the system.  Ah the life of a wannabee athlete.