Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The mental game

Experience Ironman athletes will tell you that at least 50% of the effort required is mental and the balance physical.  So every training session I do I keep that in my mind.  So tonight there were 7 swimmers in 2 lanes going through their paces.  I was the slowest but I've realised that what the other 6 are doing isn't important to me.  What mattered was my time and on reviewing the data I had hit all the targets so being slowest didn't matter.
In the other 2 lanes are less experienced swimmers and I know they are keeping an eye on us and wishing they were faster - I know I started there.  So which ever "lane you are in on life" it doesn't matter if someone is "going faster", as long as you know what you want to achieve and take the measured steps you need to take to get there.