Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Taking health for granted

I am so lucky.  With the exception of 5 weeks when I had a bout of flu this year I am in great health.  But when I had the flu it made me realise just how healthy I was and how we take it for granted.  Getting up a flight of stairs left me breathless but now I am almost back to where I was before the flu - it has not been easy.
This time last year Neil (Mr Baldy to you regular followers) was battling with cancer and now is swimming, cycling, running  - getting ready for his first triathlon in June.  A year ago when I first suggested it to him, as a way of giving him something positive to plan for, he wasn't exactly receptive to the idea - understandibly so.  But it shows you what is possible when you have your health.  Healthy doesn't mean fit.  Real fitness comes with effort, sweat and determination and Neil has that in bucket loads.  Everytime a friend says "there is no way your going to do that" it just makes him more determined.
So if you've go your health, why not get out in this good weather and improve your fitness.  Better still choose a worthwhile charity and get involved - that way everyone wins.  Have fun!