Sunday, 9 October 2022

Enforced rest

Last week I was talking about a change in my training but didn't predict a virus leading to a week of nothing.  I should have seen it coming as my heart rate during the Great Scottish run was very high - zone 5 for 1hr 22 min of the 1hr 47 min total.  I didn't feel good during the race but hopefully the antibiotics will get rid of the problem.  And then I can start to build it back up.
In the meantime I've been looking at various races for 2023.  There's no shortage, it's just a question of putting the most suitable races together to build up the Ultra Race Romania in August.  
I'm only human and will have times where I am ill but fortunately that doesn't happen too often.  What is important is that I don't rush back and over do it or take too long to get back. My body and head certainly haven't been in a good place in the last week so here's hoping I will be reporting good news next week.