Tuesday, 24 January 2012


To spread the work of Mission Ironman I am aiming to attract conference speaking engagements which are designed to help the audience achieve results beyond their wildest dreams.  Quiet a claim but one I really believe in and know if people take the lessons from Mission Ironman and apply them then they will succeed.
So on 9 Feb I will be delivering the message to an audience at the Belfry in Birmingham.  While preparing the presentation I reflected on how I felt after my first Ironman.  After the high of crossing the line it was like falling off a cliff.  There was no purpose in my training.  Why bother?  The training had no structure, I was going through the motions - aimless.  So tonight when I was at swimming training one of the athletes mentioned he had no goal this year, no event to aim at, it reminded me of post Ironman.  The message is you don't need to be competing in Ironman but in life having worthwhile goals makes everything more interesting, more focused and more fun.  So come one, commit to a goal, set out a plan and get on with it.  Enjoy!