Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Comparing notes

Porridge at 5.30 am, poolside by 7am for a long continuous swim to replicate the pace I will swim in my Ironman - my objective is to swim efficiently and exit the water having enjoyed the warm up!  If I am breathing through my bum then "the games a boggie" as we say. 
I managed to clogg up the lane as usual with the Athelite crowd doing shorter faster 300m sets and having to over take me, not that its difficult.
Colin, Gen & Graham from Athelite are all taking part in Copenhagen and we were comparing our training schedules in the run up to the event.  We have different coaches and as we vary in age and standard, we are taking slightly different approaches as I still have a hard weekend ahead before my training starts to taper down whereas there hard work is over.  It was interesting to hear that Colin slowed down too early last year and his hips seized so it will mean doing something every day but not too much.  I can look forward to the rest AFTER the event.