Thursday 30 August 2012

Blister care

I have spent the last 2 days in London and due to my schedule no training took place so these will count as rest days - hardly a rest! But walking round town yesterday resulted in a nasty blister on top of my big toe. So I limped around until I found a chemist and got hold of a blister pad. As was in a rush and managed to stick it to on to two toes and when removing it from one I ripped all the hair off my toe - ouch. I realise I'm a wimp and will reflect on this when in the Sahara Desert treating the odd (I hope) blister - I'll probably laugh at how my pain threshold will have increased! So tomorrow back to training with a run in the morning and some cycling and running over the weekend. I've missed my training over the last 2 days and am looking forward to getting back to my normal routine.