Monday, 13 April 2015

Plan B

Life has a way of putting obstacles in your way and that is why you need a Plan B.  Unfortunately I have to implement my Plan B due to my foot injury.  For a few months now I have been suffering pain in my foot and despite treatment it hasn't improved, in fact it's got worse.  Tonight I visited the specialist and had 3 x-rays taken.  The outcome wasn't exactly conclusive but without getting an MRI scan which isn't guaranteed to show anything, the experts view is that there is some "wear and tear" on some of the bones on the top of my foot.  There may be some old damage from a car accident 7 years ago but nothing definite.  I've been told I can run and if it's sore take pain killers.  I've to see what happens over the next month - the last resort is surgery as that is a 3-6 month recovery period so here's hoping.
What wouldn't be sensible would be high intensity training compressed into 8 weeks.  Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I am postponing my WHW+ (100 miles) till 22/23 August.  It will mean 2.5 hours less daylight but that will be part of the fun.  It gives me 8 weeks more to build my mileage in a sensible way. 
I may be mental but I'm not totally stupid.  I have numerous multi-day events and challenges that I want to take on over the next 10 + years and having to do it with a walking stick isn't on the agenda.  My short term focus is now on a half Ironman on May 17th so miles on the bike required and build up the running.  It's a set back but not a season wrecker like my hamstring last year! See you out on the road, the trails and on the water!