Saturday, 16 March 2013

Frozen balls!

Today I played my first game of golf of the season - this is two months earlier than normal but I'd been invited to play in a competition. It didn't start well as we headed out in the snow. It fell lightly at first but as time went on it started to lie so much so that the golf ball almost doubled in size as it rolled on the ground. Picking it up made me realise that the ball was frozen which transferred to my hands. After 12 holes I couldn't feel my hands and almost couldn't hold onto the club. But it was fun not being dressed in lycra and breathing heavily - I still had a heavy object on my back! I was due to head off to the beach for some sand running but the snow got heavier and I decided to bail out. It was not a great idea to be out in a blizzard and freezing conditions, especially twice on the same day. So I went to another extreme. I watched the rugby with the fire on while working out on my turbo trainer -it was a sweat fest. Turbo training is tough but it involves no impact and I got the chance to train in heat rather than the freezing cold. Result. Hopefully tomorrow will be better as I need a long run. Fingers crossed.