Thursday, 19 July 2012

Fighting jet lag

Travelling across time zones has a major drawback and that's jet lag.  Since returning from the Caribbean I have been "out of sorts" and tried to get back to UK time and life.  Yesterday I was too knackered to train but this morning when my alarm went off at 6.15am I jumped straight out of bed before I could think about staying under the covers.
I've got 4 weeks to go before my half ironman and I need to treat this seriously although it is not my "A race" for 2011 - that has passed.  The triathlon club ATHelite are sending up at least 12 competitors so we all want to do our best and that involves some hard training.
I needed a benchmark on my swimming so I went to the pool this morning and swam a straight 2k with no breaks.  It took me 38 minutes but felt longer and a bit of an effort.  That's natural considering I haven't been in the pool in a month and hardly done anything swimming in 2 months.  So now I know where I stand I will build a programme to make me faster using less effort.  I think I'll be tired tomorrow morning though, but a good tired not tired due to bloody jet lag!