Saturday, 29 August 2020

Embracing the weather

It's not been the best of summers in so many ways but despite the promising start in April & May, it's fair to say that it looks like summer is over.  I've run for the last five days in a row and twice I had to put on a waterproof jacket which isn't what you'd expect for this time of year.  But when I was moaning, along with a lot of others, a friend suggested I embrace the weather.  It was just the kick in the arse I needed and reminded me that my mindset needed to shift.
I actually like running in the rain.  I imagine I'm in a bubble and that the elements are just bouncing off me.  What is important is that I'm wearing the right socks so that I don't get blisters and that my foot treatment is kept up.  I use a cream, (Eucerine 10%), at night on my feet and that keeps them waxy and pliable which tends to reduce the chances of blisters.  They have certainly benefited from it when the mileage increases, but when you're running through water flowing down the streets or in puddles on the trails, it's important that your feet aren't dried and cracked.
A week without a medical update would be unusual so this week I was having my left hammy treated.  It's been niggling for a couple of weeks now and nothing seems to make a difference.  I've been given some stretches to do so here's hoping I can shift it.
The Scottish comedian Billy Connolly once said that it's not poor weather just wrong clothes so if the weather continues to deteriorate as we rapidly head through Autumn, I'll need to look out my winter clothes but if I remember they took a battering last winter so that's a good excuse to go shopping.  I love buying new running gear!  Have a great week and stay safe.