Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 - bring it on!

I am always excited at the start of a new year wondering what it will bring.  Where possible I make improvements and this is where the tradition of new year resolutions come in.  I make one every year and for 2012 it will be to learn conversational French so that when I am running in the Sahara desert in 2013 I can speak to the helpers in their first language rather than mine - it could be life saving in certain circumstances!  It's something I have always wanted to do but needed an event to motivate me to take the time to learn.
At this time of year many people will go on a fitness purge which is great but statistics show that by the end of January they are either not going to the gym any more or are injured and never go back.  It's certainly a busy time for my physio for this reason.  So perhaps before signing up for the gym, or start training to run a race, give some thought as to why you are doing it and plan your activity.  Not only will this help you achieve a higher level of success it will make it feel more worthwhile so you will make the change part of your life rather than part of January!  I wish you a happy, healthy, fit and prosperous 2012 and once again thank you for your continued support.