Wednesday, 19 September 2012


As expected I had a fantastic nights sleep but by 6am I was on the yoga mat. 6.30am I was on the road for a 10k run dressed as though it was winter. Hat, gloves and running tights were required as the temperature was marginally above freezing. The sky was clear blue and the sun was rising so it was a privilege to be out. I meet lots of people who think I'm mad doing what I do but you'd understand it better if you went out for a walk / run before getting on with life in the morning. By 8.15 I was dropping the kids off at school and heading off to Perthshire for some client meetings. However I felt drowsy and had to stop and get a can of Red Bull to keep me awake - not my usual brew! I was shattered so also had a 15 minute power nap at lunchtime. The intensity of the training since Friday has caught up and my body is struggling to keep up. Well it better get used to it as it's only going to get worse. So early night again and I can start all over again in the morning.