Friday 23 August 2024

Back on the "horse"

Hello my friends.  Please excuse the lack of a blog since the 9th June which was entitled tapering.  I was just at the final stages of my preparation for my "A race", the 96 mile West Highland Way when the "solids hit the fan".  The medical director of the race started asking for information about my Atrial Fibrillation which then led to him withdrawing me from the race.  To say I was gutted is putting it mildly.  I won't bore you with all the details but they didn't want to take the "risk".  Part of me can understand that but another part says, the people in the race might be a bigger risk because they don't know they have a heart condition.  At least I am managing mine under supervision of a cardiologist.
I had been going through tests as I wanted a specialist sports cardiologist to advise me in relation to how hard I could train/race.  But that wasn't happening till after the race.  I travelled to Bath to see Professor Dan Augustine a sports cardiologist who works with Olympic athletes who have the same condition. This resulted in new medication and in his opinion, I could have ran the race.  His knowledge of athlete's and how you can continue with AF was reassuring.  But it did affect me psychologically and, here come the excuses, with the crap weather I just didn't feel like running and pushing myself.  I had another 50 mile tough race in the Lake District on the horizon but with my lack of running I pulled out of that one too.  I wasn't in the condition I would have needed to be in for such a difficult race so am comfortable with the decision.  I'd lost my why and without that, I couldn't be bothered running.
However I increased my personal trainer sessions to twice a week as I am determined to get stronger to avoid injury.  Bartek, my PT, is 21 stone of solid muscle and the sessions are very tough, no slacking allowed.  I also pay a third visit on my own to the gym and this is on top of my daily yoga.  But the running has slipped.  When I do go out my heart rate is higher than is should be because I'm not getting consistent running in.
But today I gave myself a "kick up the backside" and headed out for 7km.  When my heart rate got too high, I walked and had to do this 3 times.  But it's a start - I'm back on the horse.  On 6th October I have entered the Glasgow Half Marathon to give me something to train for/focus on.  I've got work to do to be in reasonable shape but it's exactly what I need.  A change of mindset was required and the sunshine this morning motivated me to get out of my "puddle".  I'm back and will let you know how I get on.


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