Monday, 10 September 2012

The risk of learning

The best part of the day for me is early morning. I love getting up around 5.30 - 6am and getting started. Today was a 6am start and on my yoga mat (or should I say my wife's yoga mat - I haven't accessorised yet!)for 10 sun salutations (Sura Namaskar). It's an interesting experience starting something new and once again the success comes down to mind set and determination to continue no matter how uncomfortable it may feel at times. I then went off to the pool and I haven't been doing a lot of swimming recently so I struggled with my technique and therefore times were slower. I was offered some friendly advice from a seasoned swimmer and I gave it a try - nothing to lose. Immediately I could feel a difference and will get back in the pool to build on this later on this week. Implementing change doesn't just relate to yoga and swimming as my last telephone conversation with a potential client will illustrate. We were looking a a team building session (in a safe indoor environment) using well proven methodology but the group I was speaking to had never done this before. They were all highly intelligent people but perhaps they thought this would take them out of their comfort zone and didn't want to expose any weaknesses. It's a shame really because if the group aren't prepared to expose themselves to learning then they won't "grow". Why not learn a new skill and see how it brings excitement and new people into your life?