Sunday 21 March 2021

There is hope!

It was always going to be a light weeks training due to the dental surgery on Wednesday.  But it turned out 1 day lighter than I imagined.  On Tuesday I was out for a 16 km run and on the path I was running on was a puddle taking up the full width.  Either side was wet slippy mud so I made a risk assessment and went through the puddle.  It was deep enough I couldn't see the bottom and on my first step I went over on my ankle as there was a hole under the surface.  Fortunately I reacted quickly and didn't go over and the initial pain wore off as I completed the second half of the run.  5 hours later when I was driving my ankle began to throb and that meant I wasn't going to get my last run in on the Wednesday.  Ice & elevation and some anti-inflamitory tablets reduced the swelling but it was a well timed injury with 3 day rest coming up.
The following day I had my surgery and now have a mouthful of stiches.  It wasn't pleasant and on Wednesday this week I'll get them out so I was under dentists orders not to go running.
Then two peices of good news.  My coach send me details of a 50 mile coastal trail race in Scotland in June which I immediately entered.  Just to have something local in the diary which will be a good test and good preparation for URR in August lifted my spirits.  Both runs on Saturday and Sunday took on a new intensity as I started to think about the race, the prep and how I'd approach it.  This is the first step back towards normality and my ankle was better too.
I also got my letter inviting me for my vaccination on Wednesday so that's great news.  I'm hoping the after effect won't be too bad so my training isn't affected as every session counts and I need to get the miles up.  To be ready for URR in August I need to get back into the mountains - it's essential.  Lockdown rules are relaxing so hopefully it won't be too long - I haven't been up a mountain since September 2019!
The last piece of good news is that we booked a Scottish holiday in May and the government have given the go ahead for staycations, so a change of scenery and some wonderful food are on the cards.  It will also give me different running routes and maybe some mountains.
All in all, a very positive week which makes me feel optimistic for some normality being restored in the coming months.  These changes may be taking time but it gives us hope and that makes the world a better place.  Hopefully in the summer we will be able to eat out and socialise with friends which I didn't realise I'd taken for granted until it was taken away.  Enjoy the change in weather, the lighter mornings and longer days.  There is hope!