Wednesday, 9 March 2011

4 seasons in a day!

Woke up this morning to snow, followed by wind, rain and now bright sunshine - that's Scotland for you.  In preparation for my training in the sun, not sure if I mentioned I was going to Lanzarote where it's 21 degrees, I am taking it easy as I still have a tickly cough and gloopy throat.  Tomorrow night I am going swimming with Neil to see how he is progressing.  The latest report is he is increasing his distance in the pool and amazingly he has knocked 5 minutes of his power walking time - much to the annoyance of his wife who was puffing and panting to keep up - way to go Neil!
On Friday I am picking up an exercise bike for him so he can start his cycling training.  He is as keen as mustard and remember 1 month ago he did not take part in regular exercise.  What he doesn't realise is the impact his journey is having on total strangers.  Only yesterday a middle aged executive told me that Neil had inspired him to tackle a novice triathlon so I am pulling together another training plan.  If you're following Neil's progress then post a blog and give him the encouragement he deserves.