Sunday, 26 June 2011

Blow out

Two blow outs this weekend.  The first was when I was out with my son who is starting to cycle to get his fitness back after his ankle operation.  We were almost home when he got blocked in by a car which forced him over a pot hole which resulted in 2 punctured tires.  He was lucky that he didn't come off the bike so he's had his first introduction to the dangers that cars pose and also he'll be learning later how to change an inner tube!
The second blow out was a social affair and as I am not fully back training I had a few more glasses of wine than normal.  It seemed ok at the time but when you're popping neurofen at 6.30am and drinking water it's a sign that perhaps the wine has a different effect on me know.  I certainly won't be repeating it any time soon and normal training will resume on Wednesday.

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