Thursday, 29 July 2010

Me & Dolly

Woke at 6.30am to a beautiful sunny day and as I felt better I headed for the hills on my bike.  It is easy to lose concentration when on the bike and it doesn't take much to cause an accident such as a pot hole, ball bearings (i.e. cheap resurfaced road) or an Aberdeen leisure centre (otherwise known as a sheep to those outside Aberdeen).  So as I hairing down the hill picking my way between the pot holes on the cheaply resurfaced road covered with ball bearings, carefully plotting my course I was almost as surprised as Dolly the sheep who was standing in my way as I came round the corner.  My choice was simple; exit road hedge left or go for the softer landing.  So Dolly was going to get some go faster stripes until she stepped out of the way.  I'm not sure if the Merc heading in the opposite direction was a lucky as me going by the sound of the horn and brakes but at least he has airbags!
It was great to be back on the bike and it is essential preparation for my 5 hr bike on Saturday followed by a brick session on Sunday - 1hr bike immediately followed by 1hr run.  On Monday the level of training will reduce as the body starts to recover before 15 August.  Not long to go now!

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