Sunday, 9 December 2018

Maybe I, maybe naw

Maybe I, maybe naw won’t mean much to my friends from afar but its this time of year when a comedy show comes on telly and a “football character” uses the phrase when trying to make a decision (in Edinburgh they’d say “possibly darling, possibly not”!).  Sadly the maybe I, maybe naw phrase has been over used this year with all the political talk of Brexit.  I’ve heard there’s a significant vote taking place on Tuesday but maybe I, maybe naw - it’s doing my head in!
The solution however is simple.  Pull on a pair of trainers and go out for a run.  Ignore all the noise and hot air being spouted and go and enjoy the wonderful surrounding in your own back yard.  My return to training has been gentle with runs restricted to between 5-8km.  I’ve quickly built up my swimming to 1,500m but this is following drills or specific sets.  I’m on week two of my strength training however some golfers elbow has restricted certain exercises.  Going for some sports therapy tomorrow so hopefully that will get sorted.
And despite all my experience, yesterday I got caught up in a fast, was meant to be social, Chatelherault run.  The first half was good but I realised the second half was going to hurt - and it did.  My heart rate and breathing were out of sorts which continued today even though the pace was much more controlled.  It’s either a lack of running or I’m coming down with something.
But it’s the “off season”.  The sessions should continue to have a purpose but with a bit more chatting and a slower pace.  We’ll get through December without having lost too much fitness so we can hit the ground running in January because it’s less than 4 months to the 53 mile Highland Fling Ultra!
Maybe I, maybe naw is not a phrased used when training - if it’s on the schedule, get it done.  The only time I’ll be using that phrase in the coming weeks will be deciding if I want more sticky toffee pudding and undoubtably the answer will be I!  Enjoy your offseason training folks....and the mince pies!

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