Tuesday 8 April 2014

The grass is greener?

Having just returned from Barcelona I was reflecting on what it must be like training out there at this time of year.  We experienced 18-20 degrees and everyone was smiling as they ran.  It looked ideal especially when comparing it to the wet, cold winter we've all endured in our training this year.  At least we didn't get the snow!
So as I set out this morning for a 10 mile run I reflected that the temperature was 10 degrees cooler and I needed a wind cheater, hat and gloves but at least the sun was out.  The terrain was completely different.  Instead of running down wide tree lined streets with wonderful architecture to distract you I was running in blue skies through glorious countryside with all the fragrances of the countryside in abundance.  I was beginning to feel warm after an hour so slipped my gloves off. 5 minutes later the rain starts, the temperature drops, my gloves go back on and my glasses come off as I can't see anything!  By the time I got home I was drenched but feeling good for getting out there.
So is the grass greener - well literally it's not and it's the rain that makes out countryside so beautiful. But as we are less than 3 weeks from the Highland Fling I'd be really pleased if we got some  spring/summer weather as the thought of running 53 miles in the rain isn't very appealing although it will be done if required.  Holidays are great but I'd bet you in the summer heat the locals in Barcelona would like to savour our 4 seasons in an hour type weather with lower temperatures!

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