Sunday, 1 December 2013

The age question?

Is your age important or is it just something in your head? As I struggled up a series of hills on my 10 mile hill run today I was asking myself this question as I was blowing out my arse! My heart rate was off the top of the scale and my fellow runners were pulling away. On 3 occasions I decided to walk rather than bury myself on the hill.  Was it my age (I'd just turned 52) or was it the excellent red wine and vintage brandy with dinner last night or was I just weak mentally - none of the other runners were walking although one stayed with me to encourage me.
However on the down hills I got my breath back and caught the runners in front, finishing in front of them with the one runner who had held back with me. We were flying down the hill which isn't easy on wet trails, but easier than the climbing! I don't want to give the impression this was a race but  over 10 miles I do want to push myself. I'll be more sensible on the longer distances - I'll need to be. In conclusion re the age question, on the way up it felt like it may be a factor but on the way down I realised it wasn't and it was more the disturbance between my ears that was the problem.
Funnily enough that is also a common problem in the pool although two good training sessions this week made me realise that the hard work is beginning to payoff.  There are no short cuts in this journey which is why it is so satisfying to see results for the hard work. Enjoy your training folks no matter what distance or time you are working towards. It's better than killing yourself slowly on the couch!  Pass me another slice of birthday cake - I think I've earned it.

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