Sunday 17 November 2013

Pushing it!

It's been a good training week with swimming, yoga and running.  My hamstring has been behaving itself but I'm giving it a lot of TLC or at least stretching on a regular basis.  My yoga teacher helped me identify the weakness that's creating my ankle problem.  It's going to require some deep tissue massage which isn't going to be nice but it's essential.
On Saturday I ran 10 trail miles on my own and got another PB.  I spent the whole run listening to my body as the hamstring was making some noises, letting me know it was there and later on, the top of my foot began to give some feedback.  But as soon as I was finished I went through a stretching routine. 
This morning I went out with three of my triathlete pals.  I knew what would happen and wasn't disappointed.  The first lap was at a reasonable pace but on the second lap one of the athletes put "the hammer down" trying to dropped the other runners.  I managed to keep him within 15 seconds but it really pushed me to my (current) limit.  My breathing went, my form went but I stayed on his tail.  This is the kind of session you need to build in where it hurts and your brain tells you to stop.  Running 56 miles in April isn't going to be easy so I need to get myself back into the mindset and physical condition where I can push it, afterall it was only 7 months ago when I ran 5.5 marathons in the Sahara Desert in tempretures up to 52 degrees centigrate.

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