Thursday 14 February 2013

Xmas comes early

My kits arrived. How exciting opening the package - just like Xmas. Now I can spend the weekend practising packing my rucksack for next weeks training in the Sahara. This takes a degree of planning and skill. So much so we actually have a session about how to pack your rucksack. You don't want the weight to be in the wrong place or something rubbing. You definately don't want to be searching for your Venom pump because a snake bitten you and you only have 60 seconds to take action! I'll have fainted anyway so I'll leave that problem to my pals! Fortuantely the weather was ok this morning so I managed a wee run after my yoga. This is me re-introducing my legs to running or at least that's how it feels. The good news is today there were no aches or pains although bum cheeks were well clenched as I had a pressing need to get back home to the loo if you get my drift! Wonder what that will be like in the desert? Horrible will be the short answer but hygene is a major factor over there and one drummed into all competitors as it could finish your race and all your "tent mates" quicker than saying, pass me the bog roll! Looking forward to my yoga lesson tomorrow and hope I can make some progress with handstands because I was crap last time. Hmmm, bit of a theme going here. With those mutterings I will leave you to enjoy Valentine's Day - another load of crap if you ask me! I can be romantic the remaining 364 days.

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