Friday, 28 September 2012

2 days to go

I've stuck with the September challenge which is running 6 days a week throughout the month with a minimum run of 20 mins and a max of 1 hour. Well I've ignored the max as I needed to step up the mileage but the regular running certainly has helped. Today I went out in the dark and the rain and took out one of the swimmers for his first run. Triathlon is interesting because you can have people who are good at one discipline but struggle at another. My colleague did really well and I think he may be a runner as well as a swimmer. I am looking forward to two more runs over the weekend including a big one and then next week return to more cross training with the bike and the swim. Certainly the window for training during the week is shortening due to the light so I'll need to dig out my head lamp to run with. Oh well, summer was good when it was here!

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