Tuesday, 13 March 2012

More work to be done

After a hard week in Lanza training, yesterday was a day off.  However it still involved a sports massage with my new smooth baldy legs - what a difference that made.  Almost worth the ridicule from my wife of having "chicken legs" - I'm sure she means tasty!  So the bald legs will remain till the Ironman on 19th May which is only 66 days away.
I then had a meeting with my coach to review last weeks performance and structure this week based on the feedback.  Starting today I have an exceptionally tough week ahead as we continue to increase my fitness, endurance and strength.  Long swim sessions, mind (and bum) numbing bike rides and longer distance runs are all planned with particular attention to my heart rate.  This is vital as in the race I will be pacing myself with my heart rate as a key performance indicator as if you get that wrong on any one discipline you are risking the unspeakable - I can't even bring myself to write it but I'm sure you know what I mean.  I've also entered a 100 mile bike race around the Trossachs in April as it has an ideal profile for my preparation - you guessed it, very hilly.  So more work to be done but I am really feeling the benefits of it and mentally am starting to look forward to the event.

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