Wednesday, 28 March 2012

In the dark

Adapt is a word I use often along my journey.  You need to constantly adapt to your circumstances and environment like a downhill skier - they don't stop when they get knocked off balance, they just adapt.
So my plan this morning was for a 1 hr 35 min bike ride up and down hills.  I set my alarm for 5.50am hoping to be away by 6 however when the alarm went off it was pitch black outside!  I didn't fancy riding with lights on the country roads but didn't have time if I delayed it till it was light.  So I adapted - switched my schedule and went out for an hours run.
The sun may have been shining but the frost on the grass made me take an extra layer and I am so glad I did - it was very cold on the extremities!  But a great workout so I was able to ease my guilt at not making the scheduled session.  My running times are very good at the moment and I hope to keep this up, but will need to invest in new running shoes due to the wear and tear.  That's me up to 4 pairs a year now which comes in about £400 - and that's just for shoes!  Still it's worth it.

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