Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Resistance to change

Tonight in the pool I was aware I had a bad attitude to some of the drills - my coach will certainly confirm that.  Funnily enough they were the drills I wasn't very good at.  Unfortunately in life if you need to make changes then generally you have to go through a period of discomfort while the changes are being implemented. 
In a business meeting the other week I was listening to someone who had said they needed to change but everything else that came out of his mouth, and his body language, indicated he wasn't prepared to do the hard work.
I will continue to persevere with the changes required in my swimming and the encouragement I receive from my fellow athletes is always helpful.  As I left the pool feeling I had worked hard but refreshed I was encouraged to see an excellent runner and cyclist, who are starting their swimming "careers", saying how tired they felt - maybe the changes are working for me!

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