Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A reminder about goals being relative

Tonight I was invited to an APR with the EK Roadies - serious cyclists that I had been with in Lanzarote earlier in the year. The theory is the race is handicapped and you go off in groups. I was in the first (slowest) group giving me a 10 minute start. The group is meant to "work together" I.e. Taking turns at the front and drafting behind. The group lasted 10 seconds and the APR turned into a straight race - every man for himself.
The race was over 26.44 miles and 33 minutes in the fast group who'd given me a 10 minute start, flew past. On my own I worked as hard as I could but the fast guys disappeared over the horizon. I've always said that I wasn't a cyclist and finishing 2nd last (the last person got lost!)didn't feel good but they had a big chequered flag at the finish and that brought a smile to my face. The other cyclists had finished their tea and cake but welcomed me home.
On checking my data I was delighted to see I had managed my fastest average time ever at 18.37 mph. This is a major break through so there are a few lessons to learn:
1 - Without measurements you can't tell how you are progressing.
2 - your goals should be relative to you. Comparing my 18 mph against the fast boys 25 mph isn't a fair comparison.
3 - However, being in the company of the fast boys stretches your own performance.
I've said it before but it's worth repeating - goals are relative. I'm getting there but it's a long hard road.

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