Saturday 4 December 2021

We're only human

I've had a lot of thinking time on my hands this week, for reasons I'll explain in a moment, but while I was out walking today the title for my blog came into my head - "we're only human".  I was dreading this week as I turned 60 and I've always thought that was old when thinking of my parents, but now I was approaching this landmark and couldn't understand how it happened so quickly.
To help me feel old I tested positive for Covid-19.  It was inevitable really that I'd catch Covid at some stage but not the first "birthday card" I wanted to open on my birthday.  So the birthday dinner was held in two separate rooms as I isolated to protect the family - we made the most of it and had a lovely 4 course meal.  Fortunately my symptoms have been mild so far and I hope they won't hang around. 4 more days of isolation to go.
This isn't the same as being injured except you can't train and all of a sudden you appreciate how we take fitness and health for granted.  If you are fit and well enjoy every moment of it.  And the training sessions you want to skip, get them done because next week you might not be able to participate.  Speedy recovery to my friend Nicola who is recovering from getting a replacement hip - one limp at a time and you'll get there Nic!
Having time on my hands I started to think about Christmas and how Covid will impact on this year?  The TV is full of "happy family" Christmas adverts and the  news is worrying about Christmas parties.  Such 1st world problems when we have so many people who are living on our streets, starving and trying not to get Covid.  I can't imagine what suffering from Covid and living on the street is like.  Can I make a suggestion?  If you have a Christmas party then ask the participants to donate money to a charity that helps people on the streets - they can give the help that's required.  If you are cancelling your Christmas party then make a donation and involve your staff in raising money for the homeless.  I know I'll be involving my company and staff in an activity to raise funds for the homeless.  Next year I'm going to try and get the running community involved in raising awareness of homelessness and raising some funds.  If you are already doing something for the homeless then well done.  Most people just ignore them like they are invisible and walk past them - that must hurt.  Helping them through a charity gets round the fear that your money is going to a criminal gang or being used for drugs.
In the end we're only human and can be struct down by the same illnesses whether we live in a mansion or on the street.  But we can make a difference to people who every day are fighting for shelter and some food in there belly and it get's magnified as we enter the "season of excesses".
Not my normal blog but it's not been a normal week for me.  Sometimes being removed from your own bubble through illness makes every day events, like passing someone begging in the street, come into sharper focus.  Let's make a positive difference in the lives of people who need help now.  I hope my message is taken in the spirit it is written and if you are already helping, then I am sure there are a lot of people who'd like to say thank you, including me.  We're only human.

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