So on Friday I had a key session that was interrupted by the total incompetence of Tollcross Swimming. I wasn't happy and the session had been going so well. So tomorrow it will be repeated because the results are important.
The weather on Friday was horrendous with deep snow and followed by heavy rain which has flooded the roads and anywhere to run. Today I was up to my knees in water trudging through the forest. It wasn't a great run as I was suffering from a gloopy throat but I got through it and then headed off for a long swim. The results weren't great as I tried to pace myself but, rightly, got my butt kicked by my coach as she reminded me that I should have given 100% in each session and that she designs them with my fitness level and goals in mind. Point taken coach!
Next week will be challenging as I am travelling and then have a stag party at the weekend - yes I know, at my age! My nephew is getting married and this weekend coming I'll be there with my two boys but I have permission to have a few days off. However I will be taking my running shoes and am looking forward to some fresh air to blow away the cobweb! Life gets back to normal!