Friday, 15 February 2013

I'm so lucky

At 4.30pm today I had my second training session of the day having started the day with a 6.15am yoga session. As I was running through the beautiful countryside it occurred to me how lucky I was. I have a wife making things happen while I'm away, the kids put up with my training and the team at the office make sure that everything runs smoothly while I'm away. I'm fit and healthy and in a weeks time I will be at a training camp in the Sahara desert - how lucky am I? I'm breaking in my new shoes which have the gaiters stitched in. They are getting loads of strange looks however today a delivery lady had commented she had seen me running with something strange on my legs. When she found out what they were and what I was doing she donated to my cause, Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres. If you would like to support my endevours please go to Every day we should look around, take time to smell the roses and appreciate everything you have in your life.