Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Weather forecasts - better reading tea leaves!

Two days late with my blog!  It only occurred to me when I woke up at 5.30 am this morning that I hadn't written my blog on Sunday and I spent the next 20 minutes mulling it over while I tried to get back to sleep - failed so here I am with my early morning tea listening to the "dawn chorus" outside and wondering where summer went!  A week ago I was deciding between a running vest or t-shirt and now I'm considering one or two layers or a waterproof.
Following my injury niggles last week I got some treatment on the top of my calf and my foot.  I'd like to say it was pleasant but it wasn't as I hadn't received any regular maintenance in over 3 months so there is more work to be done.  Getting my calf taped always helps my foot and add to this a new pair of running shoes and repaired orthotics and I was good(ish) to go.
My coach is always looking out for me and gave me a light weeks training which included some time on my bike which was a nice change and coincided with the last of the warm weather.  I'd forgotten the effect of meeting another cyclist on route.  We both eyed each other up and as we were going the same direction decided we could strike up a conversation as we were going the same pace - well that's how it started.  The pace just seemed to pick up and 4 miles later when he headed off on a different direction he said "at least this will be at a more leisurely pace".  What he didn't know was I was blowing out my backside to hold that pace and he obviously was doing the same.  It was my fastest ride this year, not that I have many to compare against but it was a decent pace.
The triathlon club had been competing in a weekly virtual Iron Man Triathlon series of varying distances - from sprint to 70.3.  The swim was replaced with an additional run and I'd taken part in a couple.  A leader board was formed and the competition heated up with this weekend being the final race.  As I hadn't competed in them all, they had also allowed for some long runs/bikes to count, I wasn't in the frame but my coach suggested I take part anyway just to provide some focus on a light weeks training.
The weather forecast for the weekend was dire and you had to complete a 3km run, 40km bike and 10km run in 1 day.  The BBC weather forecast isn't the best but when I went to bed on Friday night it said heavy rain and winds from 8am all day so I knew I couldn't fit in the three disciples so decided to do it on Sunday when the weather looked bad but not as bad.  I woke at 5am on Saturday, checked the weather which hadn't changed so headed out for a training ride of 1 hr 10 mins without any rain or strong winds.  Feeling good I showered and went back to bed.  The weather didn't change till 11.30 am so I could have done my tri as many of my club mates did.
On Sunday I woke at 5am and checked the weather.  The window for the two runs in dry and less windy conditions didn't exist despite what the forecast the day before had said.  I could hear the wind howling and the rain smacking off the window so I went back to sleep.  I knew the wind was picking up so I forced myself out the door - what am I doing this for, I'll be slower than normal as the wind is 25 mph and I'm going to need two layers of clothes.  I was also worried about the top of my calf and over extending if I was running fast.  I finished the 3km in a slower than normal fast time if you get my drift and then wen't straight into the 10km.  I should have gone on the bike but it was so wet it was going to be indoors and I couldn't face a change of clothes only to have to go back out in the rain after another change of clothes.  You can tell my mind wasn't in the most positive place - bloody BBC!  Yesterday would have been so much better.
The 10km was horrible.  I was so close to giving up on numerous occasions, I wasn't in the competition anyway - but I was, with myself.  I gave myself a good talking to as I was 6 minutes slower than my last 10km race but in the end the achievement was not giving up.
I rested for 3 hours then did a Zwift indoor bike session.  I've only done one before which I ended up binning as I hadn't set myself up properly for it with a fan to help cool me down and a towel but this time I was ready.  It was a flat course and therefore fast.  35km averaged over the 40km and I was pleased with that but I was completely shattered at the end.  Despite the distraction of racing people on screen I was bored and again had to have a word with myself - definitely not in my normal frame of mind for training but Zwift is definitely something you need to get used to.  At least it was a tough training session that wouldn't have taken place if it had been out doors.
Taking part in a short virtual Olympic distance tri reminded me it's not about the distance.  After finishing this I was shattered and that's why I forgot to write my blog.  I'd pushed myself both physically and mentally to complete the race and being shorter, didn't put as much strain on my niggles.  Good training is about consistency and varying the activities to take account of any potential injuries.  My mind set wasn't good this weekend, not helped by the crap weather, but I got through it because I had goals to complete and be held accountable for.  Congratulations to my team mates for some stunning results in their virtual IM events over the last few months - you smashed it. 
I think I'll read the tea leaves at the bottom of my cup now rather than rely on the fairy story the BBC weather App is coming up with!  See you out there.