Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Inspirational young people

Tonight I was giving a "Mission Ironman" speach meant to inspire a group of young people who had completed a leadership qualification. I was the fifth speaker, the first four being young people presenting what they had done during their course. They were a hard act to follow as their stories were truelly inspirational. I had built my presentation specifically aimed at how with the right mindset you could achieve whatever you wanted. To demonstrate this at the end I invited two young people up to break 3/4 of an inch piece of wood with their bare hand. This is a daunting task but Alan was right up for it and confidently smashed the wood. Jenna on the other hand wasn't quite so sure and one her first attempt her hand bounced off the wood. "I knew I couldn't do it" she said - and she was right. But after a wee pep talk from me she smashed the wood on her second attempt to loud applause from the audience which included the Lord Provist of Glasgow. It was the perfect example of how your mindset determines the outcome and both volunteers who were brave enough to step forward, not knowing what I was going to ask them to do, will never forget the experience. The teachers and parents should be so proud of these young people who have got a head start on other pupils who haven't gone through this leadership course. I just hope that some of my messages will help them on their journey. It certainly was the highlight of my day which started with a yoga session and then a 10 km run in the snow. Now for bed to recover!