Saturday, 9 January 2021

2021 - let's do this!

What a start to a new year.  No I'm not talking about world politics or the global pandemic, I'm talking about something much simpler, something I can control - my fitness.  I'm sure I'm not alone in over indulging during the festive period but I really enjoyed the break from work & the normal routine.  I go back on Monday although have been working a few hours a day last week to make my "re-entry" not too painful.  But with a cold snap meaning I've been living in a winter wonderland I've not ventured far from home, not that I should be under lockdown, as the roads, pavements and trails have been treacherous with the chances of a fall or worse a distinct possibility.
This has knock on effects on my training as temperatures plummeted to minus 7 this morning.  The temperature effects my heart rate i.e. it needs to work harder to pump the blood round my body to keep me warm.  I definitely suffer in the cold with my extremities closing down and normally running faster would warm me up but the under foot conditions made that too dangerous.  My last two runs I took out my poles to help in the event of slipping and I'd forgotten how good a workout that is for my triceps.
However January is always a transitional month for me and my training.  I'm following the plan and failing as my heart rate is too high against target.  My runs are all meant to be slow with a low heart rate.  Sadly they are slow with a higher than normal heart rate, even taking account the freezing temperatures.  I know that in 4-6 weeks everything will be back to normal and I just have to try my best during this period of emerging from being a sloth.
But every training session counts as I've said before so I have faith that following the plan will lead me to the start line in great condition.  As my gym equipment is in storage my coach has cunningly devised a workout that doesn't require weights.  OMG it's tough but an important part of getting me ready for the season ahead.
Lockdown will mean our group runs are off although we can run with one other person.  Use this as an opportunity to train the way you want at the pace you want rather than running at the pace of the group.  Focus on an aspect of your running or cycling for that session, be it your breathing or the smoothness of your cycling cadence.  This is time to focus on you so indulge yourself.  
Take care out there and always carry out a risk assessment before training as an early season injury would be painful and frustrating.  2021 - let's do this.