Sunday, 11 December 2022

It's beginning to feel a lot like winter!

I'm "back on the horse".  A 53km week of running despite still nursing some niggles.  But it's great to be back running.  Words fail to describe the joy of running.  The temperature has plummeted making each footstep precarious!   Fortunately I got new shoes designed for running on ice and they have kept me upright, so far.
One day it was -4 and despite wearing gloves my hands were like blocks of ice.  When I got home I was too cold to go in the shower and had to jump back into bed fully clothed until I defrosted.  But it's a fantastic time to be out there in the cold, crisp weather and getting longer runs as my fitness starts to get better.
My hammies have been behaving but 3 days ago after the run I struggled to get up the stairs.  For some reason my left leg wouldn't support my weight as I tried to climb the stairs - but it doesn't hurt when I run - granted the terrain is flat.  Today I was at the amazing Pamela, sport therapist, who worked her magic on my leg - bloody painful.  I need a few more treatments and for some reason my left leg hammy and IT band are extremely tight.  But after the treatment I was able to climb the stairs with no problems.  Tomorrow is a well earned rest day.
My training has been helped by running with on a regular basis with Beth.  We both push each other so there is no slacking when we are out for a run.  Whatever the objectives of the run are, we make sure we achieve them.  There are always times when you can't be bothered but when you are training together that never happens.  And she makes sure I do my stretching, yoga and gym work!  We have a very exciting season lined up and the training plan is being designed.  It will be a change from previous years and I'll provide more details in the coming weeks. Take care out there in the wintery conditions but do get yourself out and enjoy some fresh air.