Sunday, 14 January 2018

Ground hog day

More of the same this week.  Started off well with a new core session and the next day suffered the DOMS.  To be expected and more core work is required.  The next day I visited the physio as my foot had been causing me discomfort.  The ankle muscle needed worked on and then taped but I was told to rest it for 24 hours.  Then work took over - poor excuse I know but there went training for the rest of the week.
On Saturday I headed out for 2 laps at Chatelherault.  My rest had done me some good and I felt great.  However that afternoon a few glasses of wine and a late night meant I delayed my run till lunchtime.  The first lap was good and I added on an extra small loop but was bust by the end.  Came home, had some food and slept.  Is my body telling me something?  Probably and I'm ready to listen.
Getting back to regular training isn't proving to be easy but I will get there.  Starting tomorrow.  But it's going to be a challenge with work travel commitments over the next few weeks but it needs to be squeezed in somehow.  I'm not the only person aiming for a goal that requires sacrifice and planning but I need to apply Rule 5 - a cycling term if you need to look it up!