Sunday, 3 February 2019

Snow, ice and sunshine

The worst weather always seems to arrive in Jan/Feb but it also brings with it some stunning days.  You just have to make sure you are properly dressed for the conditions and try to stay upright!
It’s been a great weeks training.  Temperatures of -11.5 have meant I’ve had to select my running routes carefully and even retreat indoors for a treadmill session (last resort) as the pavements were too risky - can’t afford time off for an injury.  With the Fling approaching much too fast I need every training session I can fit in to reach the startline with a chance of a reasonable time even though it’s a “stepping stone” to Tahoe in September.  The Fling is getting my full attention and respect as it’s not an easy race.
My training involves two swim sessions and they are there for cross training benefits.  It’s always a good heart, lung and core workout and now I’ve got fins and can join in on those drills, it’s tough.  But I’m not there to become a fantastic swimmer, that would require some “major surgery” I think, I’m there for a fun but serious workout.  On Friday we did 2,700m but that was after a gym session.  I’m getting stronger with the gym work without building “beach muscles” which is extra weight I’d have to carry, but I need to be careful not to over do it and injure myself.
Occasionally there is one training session that is a stand out and it was on Saturday.  It was a 2 hr 30 min run so my longest to date and I needed a bit of variety so went back to a route we had found last year.  The vast majority of it was in lovely snow covered trails with fantastic scenery and a group of 8 of us went at a consistent pace.  My heart rate was perfect and I felt strong which, after a long week of work and training was encouraging.  Whilst it was a good test and for all of us this was an increase in distance therefore was tough, it was a special run - one to remember.  Running with friends, chatting all the way round, except for the big hills, enjoying the sunshine despite it being 3 degrees.  It’s days like that which make me realise how lucky I am to be fit and healthy and able to run.
Today was only to be an hour but faster than yesterday. Building on the long run.  Stuart and I headed out in the rain / sleet and ice.  My legs felt tired from yesterday but that’s how they were meant to feel.  We didn’t check our pace until the end and we pleasantly surprised just how fast we’d completed the run.  That was the perfect end to a hard week of training and next week is a lighter weeks training.  I’ve organised a massage which will help with my recovery.  There may be snow and ice out there but I promise you if you get out in it you’ll come back refreshed.  Enjoy. We live in a beautiful country.

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