Wednesday 22 August 2012

Time management

I am officially recovering from the almost half ironman on Saturday and resting my hamstrings and quads. Tomorrow I will face the "inflictor of pain" who will give me a sports massage and hopefully confirm I should be able to start light training this weekend. So you'd think with no training I'd have plenty of spare time on my hands - think again. The time just seems to be absorbed through family, work and the odd extra 30 minutes in bed. This happens to everyone in that we allow our routine to take up the available time when what we should be doing is scheduling our activities better so we can make better use of the time. Do you get my point? This is simple time management and when my training commences next week the focus will return and I will be better organised and make the most of the time available. Until then, I'm going to eat chocolate, drink beer, have big meals out, enjoy extra time with my family and take a long lie. But unfortunately none of that will prepare me for Marathon des Sables so normal service will be resumed next week.


  1. Thanks "TM". Mission Ironman is a journey that has been going 4 years and throughout this I am raising funds for Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres. However there is a robust planning process behind it which relates to life and business. I have introduced this to many businesses and it works. I use the sporting conquests as a way of demonstrating HOW it works. My MDS event in April next year will take Mission Ironman to new limits. I hope you follow my progress and keep posting.
