Friday, 13 August 2010

Final preparation

It's getting close.  Went out for 1 hour on the bike this morning and checked out the start area again.  The pre-race meeting was at 10am and we got all our instructions - it's starting to feel real now and the nerves are creeping in.  However met up with the Athelite crowd, Colin, Gen, Graeme and their coach Alan plus Mark from another club.  Mark managed to get us on the wrong train on the subway then discover he had someone elses wetsuit when we got to the swim, fortunately it fitted him but we said we wouldn't tell anyone!!!No one reads my blog anyway.
Had a short swim in the lagoon, it felt great but as you can see the whole of the swim course I have to say,2.4 miles is a long way!  Still it calmed the nerves a wee bit but there is plenty of time for that.  Just hope there isn't a strong current or wind to upset my delicate rhythm.  Then off for a pizza and a little trim at the barbers - yes I know, I should have done it before I went.
Ali's tri is at 9am tomorrow so I hope he has a great race.  The best news of the day is that Mr Baldy got out of hospital today but his recovery will take longer than mine.  All the best Mr Baldy and well done for getting through the treatment so far - home just in time for the start of the season, great timing!

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