I don't normally swim on a Tuesday but as I can't tomorrow and we have a LONG CONTINUOUS swim coming up on Friday, 3k, I thought I'd better get the practice in. So I went to the pool and did a 300m warm up, 4 x 500m main set and a 200m warm down. There was only one other swimmer in the lane but as he was doing something different we didn't exactly get to chat. Swimming can be very anti-social that way and sometimes when doing a long session, the good swimmers have left by the time I finish!
But in 19 days time I will be swimming 1,900 m in open water followed by a 56 mile bike and a 13 mile run so I have to make sure I am used to swimming for a reasonable amount of time without a break. Day off training tomorrow and will get a bike session in on Thursday night and also catch up with Neil's final preparation.
Sunday is his big day and I am so impressed by the way he has done the majority of it on his own. He's raised £1,530 so far for his chosen charity Friends of the Beatson and his determination to complete his first triathlon is first class. No doubt there may be the odd beer afterwards but he'll have worked for it. I wonder what he'll attempt next?
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
What a difference a day makes!
7am in the pool for a good session - only 2,000m but testing enough to make me go home and have a couple of poached eggs on brown toast with coffee and then off for a 1 hour snooze. You have to get some recovery in when you can!
After lunch I went out with my daughter who was having her first ride on her new birthday bike. Now that was a pace I enjoyed. After 45 mins I went off on my own for a 20 mile time trial i.e. going as fast as you can. Difficult in the wind but not as bad as it was yesterday. I need more of these sessions to improve my speed but it was an added bonus getting in two good sessions today. I've got my mojo back!
After lunch I went out with my daughter who was having her first ride on her new birthday bike. Now that was a pace I enjoyed. After 45 mins I went off on my own for a 20 mile time trial i.e. going as fast as you can. Difficult in the wind but not as bad as it was yesterday. I need more of these sessions to improve my speed but it was an added bonus getting in two good sessions today. I've got my mojo back!
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Lacking motivation
The weather recently hasn't encouraged me out to swim (open water), bike (turned back early as almost got blown of yesterday) or run. So today I struggled to get out and watched the Grand Prix instead. But I had to do something so I went out for a 10k run just to "tick over". Within 20 metres I realised that cycling would have been a non starter and running was unbelievably difficult.
I met up with my friendly (not) Jack Russell but managed to jump the other side of a pick up truck to avoid being bitten - it almost got flattened as it was intent in having a slice of my ankle. One day it will meet its match.
I didn't feel motivated at all as I battled with a headwind that slowed me down to a snails pace. When it was behind me it was almost pushing me over. I'm behind with my schedule for 19 June but even when not feeling like it I still need to get out there and do something. People who seem to be motivated sometimes have periods where they have to work very hard to stay on target. I need to get a move on.
Neil's big challenge is next weekend and he has had very little input from me, which is a good thing. That means he has driven himself and his little infection scare has set back his training. However he has now had the all clear and will be sorting out his final preparations this week. If you can face up to and beat cancer, a triathlon is easy by comparison. It's just a question of belief which is the same for us all.
I met up with my friendly (not) Jack Russell but managed to jump the other side of a pick up truck to avoid being bitten - it almost got flattened as it was intent in having a slice of my ankle. One day it will meet its match.
I didn't feel motivated at all as I battled with a headwind that slowed me down to a snails pace. When it was behind me it was almost pushing me over. I'm behind with my schedule for 19 June but even when not feeling like it I still need to get out there and do something. People who seem to be motivated sometimes have periods where they have to work very hard to stay on target. I need to get a move on.
Neil's big challenge is next weekend and he has had very little input from me, which is a good thing. That means he has driven himself and his little infection scare has set back his training. However he has now had the all clear and will be sorting out his final preparations this week. If you can face up to and beat cancer, a triathlon is easy by comparison. It's just a question of belief which is the same for us all.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Plan B
This morning TEAM SAM took part in "It's a knock-out" to raise money for St Andrews Hospice. We got exceptionally wet and covered in foam for anyone who remembers the game from the 70's. Unfortunately it was also cold and windy but we survived and came third!
So my training was put off to the afternoon. My plan was a 2.5 hour ride but I should have known what to expect when I wore my winter gear. Within 10 minutes of leaving a shower came through soaking me right through. The head wind was tough but when it turned to a cross wind it became dangerous - I was almost blown off the bike a number of times. But I decided to press on but then the storm clouds started to look really black and I headed home - plan B required. Plan B was bike handling skills and to forget the distance and speed which was a non starter due to the wind. The storm caught me on the way home and when the hailstones started I ended up with a facial - painful one at that! I arrived home to sun splitting the sky. Sometimes you have to alter course during life so having a plan B is essential. It needs to be meaningful and for me although I was disappointed to have turned back for safety reasons, I made the most of the time on the bike.
So my training was put off to the afternoon. My plan was a 2.5 hour ride but I should have known what to expect when I wore my winter gear. Within 10 minutes of leaving a shower came through soaking me right through. The head wind was tough but when it turned to a cross wind it became dangerous - I was almost blown off the bike a number of times. But I decided to press on but then the storm clouds started to look really black and I headed home - plan B required. Plan B was bike handling skills and to forget the distance and speed which was a non starter due to the wind. The storm caught me on the way home and when the hailstones started I ended up with a facial - painful one at that! I arrived home to sun splitting the sky. Sometimes you have to alter course during life so having a plan B is essential. It needs to be meaningful and for me although I was disappointed to have turned back for safety reasons, I made the most of the time on the bike.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Introducing the "wetronome"
Today was a relatively short session in the pool as I had to get home for my daughter's birthday and some cake - it was delicious! It was a pyramid session which is never easy and as I was nearing the end the coach put a "wetronome" under my swim cap. Basically it beeps every time you should put your arm in the water and therefore you can pace yourself easier. What a fantastic piece of kit. I only used it for 100m but it certainly seemed to smooth everything out including my breathing.
In the next few weeks we will be getting filmed under water and our stroke analysed. I have had this before and the "video nasty" is tucked away in a dark corner of my mind. We all have an impression of what we look like in life whether walking down the road or swimming. Seeing it close up in slow motion can shatter that illusion, it did with my swimming, but again the secret is mindset.
I don't kid myself on in the pool. I only have to watch the swimmers overtake me and leave me for dead to realise my stroke is not as efficient as theirs. But that doesn't mean I can't work at improving my stroke so that I exit the water having exerted less effort and therefore have more energy for the bike and the run - remember in Ironman that's a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run!
Perhaps this is something we should all do in our life i.e. step back and reflect on what we are doing, why we are doing it and is it taking us in the direction we want to go? That of course assumes you know where you want to go. My motto is "A goal without a plan is just a wish" - reflect on that as you go through your day. Have a good one.
In the next few weeks we will be getting filmed under water and our stroke analysed. I have had this before and the "video nasty" is tucked away in a dark corner of my mind. We all have an impression of what we look like in life whether walking down the road or swimming. Seeing it close up in slow motion can shatter that illusion, it did with my swimming, but again the secret is mindset.
I don't kid myself on in the pool. I only have to watch the swimmers overtake me and leave me for dead to realise my stroke is not as efficient as theirs. But that doesn't mean I can't work at improving my stroke so that I exit the water having exerted less effort and therefore have more energy for the bike and the run - remember in Ironman that's a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run!
Perhaps this is something we should all do in our life i.e. step back and reflect on what we are doing, why we are doing it and is it taking us in the direction we want to go? That of course assumes you know where you want to go. My motto is "A goal without a plan is just a wish" - reflect on that as you go through your day. Have a good one.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
The long & the short of it
Last night I ran in the Land O'Burns 10k race. I was aiming for a PB of 45 mins as it was a fast course but that's before I turned up to a very wet and wind swept Ayr - Scottish summer at its best! I knew what I had to run each km in to beat my time and was looking to get under 45 so was shocked when my watch read 45.56.99 sec as I crossed the line. Confused, wet and miserable I left but once I got home and dried off I checked the data and according to my watch I had run 10.91km! That means I smashed my PB.
I checked with another couple of runners and one confirmed that according to his watch the course was 10.6 miles but that as there was an area of trees the reading might be slightly out.
The official times are not out yet but out of interest I may write to the organisers and ask what the actual distance was.
No matter what the result I gave it everything and considering I had to take the weekend off with a head cold I am pleased with the result, what ever it was! Now down to the final preparations for UK 70.3 IM on 19 June.
I checked with another couple of runners and one confirmed that according to his watch the course was 10.6 miles but that as there was an area of trees the reading might be slightly out.
The official times are not out yet but out of interest I may write to the organisers and ask what the actual distance was.
No matter what the result I gave it everything and considering I had to take the weekend off with a head cold I am pleased with the result, what ever it was! Now down to the final preparations for UK 70.3 IM on 19 June.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Marathon des Sables 2013
It's been a couple of really important days as far as my "journey" is concerned. For those of you familiar with my blog you will have seen my stated goals from the beginning of the year. Yesterday I secured a place in the worlds toughest Ironman, Lanzarote and today entries opened at 10.30 for Marathon des Sables - "the toughest footrace on EARTH"! The UK entries are taken up within 30 minutes and I managed to secure on! OMG!!
One of my favourite quotations is from TS Eliot who said "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go". I put that to the test with Ironman last year and it triggered something in my head that said "why not?" MDS will be an unbelievable task but one I am looking forward to preparing for.
But let's get the focus back to the present day; tonight I am aiming for a PB in a 10k race, then I will switch my thinking to the UK 70.3 IM on June 19th. The key is know what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. I hope you will follow and support my journey.
One of my favourite quotations is from TS Eliot who said "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go". I put that to the test with Ironman last year and it triggered something in my head that said "why not?" MDS will be an unbelievable task but one I am looking forward to preparing for.
But let's get the focus back to the present day; tonight I am aiming for a PB in a 10k race, then I will switch my thinking to the UK 70.3 IM on June 19th. The key is know what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. I hope you will follow and support my journey.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Big Day Today!
In a years time I am looking forward to reflecting on this post. In my opinion setting goals is important if you want to get the best out of yourself and out of life. How do you know if you have achieved anything if you can't measure it and to be really worthwhile it needs to be challenging. So today the entries opened for the toughest Ironman competition in the world and I entered as I said I would.
Already I am being told I am mad. Lanzarote has heat, hills (9,400 feet of climbing) and wind which destroys you on the bike. Out of the three disciplines my cycling is my weakest and this was one of the main drivers for entering it. Now I have 1 year to improve.
In the western world we tend to work on our strengths but from my karate training I was always taught the eastern method of working on your weaknesses to make you stronger. As I sit down to my dinner the challenge seems extremely difficult but then again so did my first Ironman. Lanza is in a different league so bring it on.
Tomorrow will bring more big news but you'll have to wait till then. In the meantime, sent me your comments to support the cause. Mission Ironman has started in earnest!
Already I am being told I am mad. Lanzarote has heat, hills (9,400 feet of climbing) and wind which destroys you on the bike. Out of the three disciplines my cycling is my weakest and this was one of the main drivers for entering it. Now I have 1 year to improve.
In the western world we tend to work on our strengths but from my karate training I was always taught the eastern method of working on your weaknesses to make you stronger. As I sit down to my dinner the challenge seems extremely difficult but then again so did my first Ironman. Lanza is in a different league so bring it on.
Tomorrow will bring more big news but you'll have to wait till then. In the meantime, sent me your comments to support the cause. Mission Ironman has started in earnest!
Monday, 23 May 2011
"Where do I start?"
I set off this morning for the pool feeling 90% better so I thought I would have an easy swim. Three of the swimmers are doing a half-ironman at the weekend so it wasn't going to be a full on session. We received some coaching as we did drills which is always good as it allows you to think on how to improve your efficiency. One of the drills was to push off from the wall like a torpedo with your hands at your sides. When you needed to take a breath you stretched out and started swimming. It was pointed out that at this stage my legs sink which is far from efficient. When I enquired what should I do about it the response was "where do I start?" Harsh but true and it just reminds me, as if I needed it, that there is a huge amount of work to do to improve my technique. In short my lack of flexibility causes me all sorts of technical problems but with a bit of luck and help from my wife, the yoga will improve me.
Litre of chocolate milk and a banana and I feel brand new. Looks like I'll make my 10k race after all on Wednesday.
Finally Ali's team won the cup final on Sunday - despite being out with his injury he was presented with a medal which I thought was a nice touch. On Wednesday night they have their final league match and if they win it they will have won the league two years running. His fitness training starts tomorrow with me and I can't wait to get him in the pool!
Litre of chocolate milk and a banana and I feel brand new. Looks like I'll make my 10k race after all on Wednesday.
Finally Ali's team won the cup final on Sunday - despite being out with his injury he was presented with a medal which I thought was a nice touch. On Wednesday night they have their final league match and if they win it they will have won the league two years running. His fitness training starts tomorrow with me and I can't wait to get him in the pool!
Sunday, 22 May 2011
The cold is running its course but it's so frustrating wanting to and needing to train and not being able to. If I did it would set me back and I have to keep my UK 70.3 IM as my focus on 19th June and make sure I turn up in the best shape possible. Mentally I know I can do the distance and my base fitness is better than last year. Time will tell.
Off to watch my son's team in the cup final although obviously he is side lined due to his operation. Then away to the bike shop to get some bits for the bike including a new set of typres after the shock discovery on Friday of a two inch bare patch which could have caused a nasty accident. As I am hopeless with my hands, repairing the bike will challenge my patience, and probably that of my family to. I recon they will give me a wide berth while I give it my best shot!
If I wake up feeling ok tomorrow I will try and go for a slow easy swim just to work on my rhythm in the pool.
Off to watch my son's team in the cup final although obviously he is side lined due to his operation. Then away to the bike shop to get some bits for the bike including a new set of typres after the shock discovery on Friday of a two inch bare patch which could have caused a nasty accident. As I am hopeless with my hands, repairing the bike will challenge my patience, and probably that of my family to. I recon they will give me a wide berth while I give it my best shot!
If I wake up feeling ok tomorrow I will try and go for a slow easy swim just to work on my rhythm in the pool.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Lucky escape
Today's plan went pear shaped when I woke up with a sore throat - this is usually the first sign of a cold for me so I decided getting in the pool wasn't a good idea. But I went for a "bike fit" from Colin at ATHelite (the best swim, bike, run shop in the UK). As he was taking measurements he notice a two inch bare strip on my back tyre - just ready to pop! I put it down to the hard riding on Etape and how luck I was that it didn't blow then but remembered I was out last night riding fast on the hills.
So tonight should be fun as I change my tyre - those of you that know me know I am "handless" but it's good practice 'cause it could happen in a race (it almost did!).
Subject to a successful repair and feeling better the weekend will consist of biking and running. I really can't afford this cold to develop as it will set back all my training in the run up to UK 70.3 IM.
Neil is also slightly poorly and his 1st tri is only 2 weeks away so fingers crossed.
So tonight should be fun as I change my tyre - those of you that know me know I am "handless" but it's good practice 'cause it could happen in a race (it almost did!).
Subject to a successful repair and feeling better the weekend will consist of biking and running. I really can't afford this cold to develop as it will set back all my training in the run up to UK 70.3 IM.
Neil is also slightly poorly and his 1st tri is only 2 weeks away so fingers crossed.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
B roads and wide loads
Out for a brick session and the first time on the bike since the weekend race. My legs felt tired but it was only a short fast session. "B" roads have less traffic but unfortunately with silage being cut you have to avoid tractors with big trailers. In short while doing 20 mph I had to squeeze past a load with less that a foot to spare - focus's your attention!
Jumped off the bike and into my running shoes (brick session) for a quick run getting the legs used to the change. It wasn't too bad but my house is at the bottom of a hill. Great for improving strength and improving endurance. Plenty more of these sessions in the week ahead.
Double swim tomorrow, pool session at 7am and open water session at 6pm so should be a tough day!
Jumped off the bike and into my running shoes (brick session) for a quick run getting the legs used to the change. It wasn't too bad but my house is at the bottom of a hill. Great for improving strength and improving endurance. Plenty more of these sessions in the week ahead.
Double swim tomorrow, pool session at 7am and open water session at 6pm so should be a tough day!
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Run focus
My next event is a 10km run in Ayr next week so my focus will shift for one week to running. I am aiming to do a PB of 45 mins and this will take a near perfect run for me. So this morning, as promised, I went out at 5.30am for a fast run. I got the best of the day, it was sunny, fresh and dry which was the opposite of the day before. After the 10k all training will be based around my UK 70.3 IM event on June 19.
After the run I went to the airport to pick up Mrs Flexible from her 6 days of yoga in New York and now off to the office. It's amazing how much you can pack into a day if you have it planned and you start early. Have a good one.
After the run I went to the airport to pick up Mrs Flexible from her 6 days of yoga in New York and now off to the office. It's amazing how much you can pack into a day if you have it planned and you start early. Have a good one.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Where does the time go?
Turned over as the alarm went off at 6am and reset it for 7.30am - this is something I never do but thought if I needed the sleep I would go over. Next minute it was 7.30am so good decision, I'll run late afternoon I thought. So busy day, then took my son to the physio and thought I would get out for a run. Then I realised that as my wife doesn't get back from her 6 day yoga in New York till tomorrow, I had to take my daughter to her music lesson, buy and make the dinner.
I do appreciate my wife is obviously "wonder woman" as she takes these things in her stride while helping me run the business but I have made an executive decision to have another days rest and go running at 5.30am tomorrow morning before I pick her up at the airport. That reminds me I'll need to book granny to take the kids to school tomorrow. Conclusion: runing a business and training for Ironman is easier that running a house and family - but don't let on to my wife! Now how do you work this hoovery type thing............
I do appreciate my wife is obviously "wonder woman" as she takes these things in her stride while helping me run the business but I have made an executive decision to have another days rest and go running at 5.30am tomorrow morning before I pick her up at the airport. That reminds me I'll need to book granny to take the kids to school tomorrow. Conclusion: runing a business and training for Ironman is easier that running a house and family - but don't let on to my wife! Now how do you work this hoovery type thing............
Monday, 16 May 2011
Rest day
Was really pleased to wake up with no aches or pains after yesterdays race. I also had some time to study the data and was delighted to have achieved an average speed of 17.05 mph - that's my best ever and to sustain it for 4hrs 42 mins and 59 secs (the official time) in that wind makes me realise it was worth the effort. Today I will give my body a day to recover before starting again tomorrow.
I often talk about goals being relative. On checking the results I came 1909th out of 5,500 and 222nd in my age category. Now there are no prizes that far down the ranking but that wasn't my goal and this is what is vital for anyone setting a goal. It's what it means to you and the other day I sponsored the supervisor in the local bakery who is doing a 5km walk. When she asked she said "it's not like it's a 10 km run" (meaning difficult) but her goal is raising money for charity and that should be encouraged.
This week I'll catch up with Neil (aka Mr Baldy) who is on the run down to his first triathlon after his brave battle against cancer. I'll report back but I know you will all be willing him on in the Stirling Novice Triathlon on June 5th. In triathlon we say the first achievement is getting to the start line. The beer will be chilled and waiting for him at the finish line and we know that, plus all his screaming supporters and his determination, will get him over the line.
I often talk about goals being relative. On checking the results I came 1909th out of 5,500 and 222nd in my age category. Now there are no prizes that far down the ranking but that wasn't my goal and this is what is vital for anyone setting a goal. It's what it means to you and the other day I sponsored the supervisor in the local bakery who is doing a 5km walk. When she asked she said "it's not like it's a 10 km run" (meaning difficult) but her goal is raising money for charity and that should be encouraged.
This week I'll catch up with Neil (aka Mr Baldy) who is on the run down to his first triathlon after his brave battle against cancer. I'll report back but I know you will all be willing him on in the Stirling Novice Triathlon on June 5th. In triathlon we say the first achievement is getting to the start line. The beer will be chilled and waiting for him at the finish line and we know that, plus all his screaming supporters and his determination, will get him over the line.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Etape Caledonia
Today I revisited the Etape Caledonia race having completed it last year for the first time. 5,500 cyclists from all over the UK and Europe compete in the only closed road race in the UK. Its a hilly 81 miles and it was made more difficult than normal by a strong wind - the first 30 miles were straight into wind!
It required me to travel up the night before and get up at 4.45am to be there in time to have everything prepared. That includes queueing 20 mins for the toilet and next time I'll bring my own loo roll as the majority of the portaloos had run out. Too much detail I hear you say but the point I am making is that I learn something new every time I race - sometimes the hard way!
There were a few people taken off the course by ambulance which underlines how you must give the course your full concentration. The crowds were amazing as we were cheered all the way round. My target was 4 hrs 30 / 45 mins. not allowing for the wind and I came in on 4hrs 43 mins so very pleased with the result. Then I bumped into one of the real cyclists from Lanzarote who came in 3rd in 3hrs and 22 mins! What a star. Another of that crowd came in just under 3 hrs 30 mins. At the end of the day you set your own goals based on what you think you are capable of.
Finally a colleague of mine entered the race and was in it just to finish - he had his doubts. During his training he shed some weight which was one of his goals and completed the course in 5hrs 41 mins which is a fantastic result. It just goes to show what you can do when you put your mind to it and I'm looking forward to see what's next on his list as he can build on this result.
It required me to travel up the night before and get up at 4.45am to be there in time to have everything prepared. That includes queueing 20 mins for the toilet and next time I'll bring my own loo roll as the majority of the portaloos had run out. Too much detail I hear you say but the point I am making is that I learn something new every time I race - sometimes the hard way!
There were a few people taken off the course by ambulance which underlines how you must give the course your full concentration. The crowds were amazing as we were cheered all the way round. My target was 4 hrs 30 / 45 mins. not allowing for the wind and I came in on 4hrs 43 mins so very pleased with the result. Then I bumped into one of the real cyclists from Lanzarote who came in 3rd in 3hrs and 22 mins! What a star. Another of that crowd came in just under 3 hrs 30 mins. At the end of the day you set your own goals based on what you think you are capable of.
Finally a colleague of mine entered the race and was in it just to finish - he had his doubts. During his training he shed some weight which was one of his goals and completed the course in 5hrs 41 mins which is a fantastic result. It just goes to show what you can do when you put your mind to it and I'm looking forward to see what's next on his list as he can build on this result.
Friday, 13 May 2011
1st open water swim
Tonight I went for my 1st open water swim of the season. With only five weeks to go I need the practice as it is different from swimming in a pool - no blue line to follow! The water was so cold I had to wear swimming socks and a neoprene swim cap with chin band. I don't care what it looked like but without that, and the wetsuit of course, I wouldn't have been able to get into the water.
I knew in advance that it wasn't going to be pleasant. When you face goes under the water the cold literally takes your breath away. You feel that your wetsuit constricts your chest, your heart races and your breathing is all over the place. If you don't site every 4 strokes, that is look at an object on the horizon, you go off course and take a much longer route. And despite knowing your ok there is an element of panic. So a 600m swim feels a lot harder but I've been here before and know that after a few more outings I will be ready for the UK 70.3 IM 1.9km swim in the cold Wimbleball Lake.
I actually prefer the open water as there is no chlorine and the wetsuit makes up for my poor kicking by keeping me afloat. Just need to work on the different technique and get over the mental side of the open water swim. At least Nessie is in Loch Ness and I know Jaws is a rubber shark in Disney!
I knew in advance that it wasn't going to be pleasant. When you face goes under the water the cold literally takes your breath away. You feel that your wetsuit constricts your chest, your heart races and your breathing is all over the place. If you don't site every 4 strokes, that is look at an object on the horizon, you go off course and take a much longer route. And despite knowing your ok there is an element of panic. So a 600m swim feels a lot harder but I've been here before and know that after a few more outings I will be ready for the UK 70.3 IM 1.9km swim in the cold Wimbleball Lake.
I actually prefer the open water as there is no chlorine and the wetsuit makes up for my poor kicking by keeping me afloat. Just need to work on the different technique and get over the mental side of the open water swim. At least Nessie is in Loch Ness and I know Jaws is a rubber shark in Disney!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Short and fast
Back in the pool after 2 hot days in London - the "rest" did me good as it allowed the body to recover from the hard weekend training. I had asked for some advice on how to get my cycling faster and was told it's the same as swimming and running. Basically you do shorter sessions but faster and this makes you faster over longer distances. So after a 500m warm up we did 18 x 100m in a set time for each 100m which includes a short rest (between 5 - 30 secs depending how quick you do it). Tough session but good and I am to adopt the same method in the bike which I really need to get quicker on, but not in the pool! I won't be using this technique in the running as my left hamstring would go on strike as it always does when I try and run too fast. My run time is acceptable anyway so I'll just work on the stamina. There's is always something to work on in triathlon which keeps it interesting.
Neil's enjoying the bike but I hear the walk/running has slipped so I'll be having words later. He's not in this for enjoyment! Great news is he has exceeded his charity fund raising target and thank you to everyone who supported him. If you haven't there is still time - www.justgiving.com/neil-sutherland .
Neil's enjoying the bike but I hear the walk/running has slipped so I'll be having words later. He's not in this for enjoyment! Great news is he has exceeded his charity fund raising target and thank you to everyone who supported him. If you haven't there is still time - www.justgiving.com/neil-sutherland .
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Building on the foundation
Today I felt, for the first time since IM last year, that I was building on a solid base of fitness. The hard work has started to pay off. Following yesterdays 63 mile bike I ran 13 miles today in my best time ever; 1hr 36 min 42 sec and this is on a hilly course. There are much faster runners around by I am concentrating on what I can do as there is little point in competing against real athletes or ones that are 15 - 20 years younger. Today the hills seemed smaller so I will continue in my journey which is mapped out before me and strive to achieve my goals.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
It's all about the bike
I took advantage of the good weather today and did a 4 hr, 60 mile session. Average speed of 15 mph is ok but considering the wind I came back into I was pleased with it. I felt tired and stiff getting off the bike but within 15 minutes was moving around fine. The thought of doing 112 mile bike then running a marathon, having swam 2.4 miles, doesn't compute but I don't need to concern myself with that till May 2012. My focus is on 19 June UK 70.3 IM and after the Etape 81 mile race my training will involve a lot of brick sessions i.e. bike then run.
As I've said before "a goal without a plan is just a wish". If you've got things you want to achieve in life then get them written down.
Sadly we lost Seve Ballesteros today at the age of 54. We've one life, live it and don't postpone things you wan to do or achieve saying "I'll do that when I get there". There doesn't exist, it keeps moving. Adios Seve.
As I've said before "a goal without a plan is just a wish". If you've got things you want to achieve in life then get them written down.
Sadly we lost Seve Ballesteros today at the age of 54. We've one life, live it and don't postpone things you wan to do or achieve saying "I'll do that when I get there". There doesn't exist, it keeps moving. Adios Seve.
Friday, 6 May 2011
You are what you think!
You may get what I mean straight away but it may be a bit early for some. The swimming group have not been at their best in the last couple of sessions and certainly my last one was tough. So today our main set was 2 x 1,000m which is a fair distance but with UK 70.3 IM coming up I will need to do 1,900 m without a break so its a reasonable session. One of the group had a bad session but explained "I knew I was going to be rubbish today", well they achieved their objective. We all have bad days but the secret is trying to take something good from it - not always easy I know.
With a large number of them doing IM Switzerland in July the nerves are beginning to show and doubts creep in e.g. my swimming's isn't good enough, how will I manage the marathon etc. This is completely natural and achieving an IM is not easy as so many things can go wrong in the build up and in the event. But it's keeping the mental side together that will see you through it.
Every time I go in the pool and the good swimmers glide by me I have a choice. Curse them for being so good, curse me for being so bad or realise that we all have strengths and weaknesses. The beauty / challenge of triathlon is that we test ourselves across three different disciplines and I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't feel they are weaker in at least one area. Therefore if you believe "you are what you think" lets put difficult challenges into perspective and enjoy them. We are so privileged to be fit and healthy that even though it is physically and mentally tough, how good is it to be doing it? Have a great day and take time out to smell the flowers which is being helped by a little shower here and there.
With a large number of them doing IM Switzerland in July the nerves are beginning to show and doubts creep in e.g. my swimming's isn't good enough, how will I manage the marathon etc. This is completely natural and achieving an IM is not easy as so many things can go wrong in the build up and in the event. But it's keeping the mental side together that will see you through it.
Every time I go in the pool and the good swimmers glide by me I have a choice. Curse them for being so good, curse me for being so bad or realise that we all have strengths and weaknesses. The beauty / challenge of triathlon is that we test ourselves across three different disciplines and I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't feel they are weaker in at least one area. Therefore if you believe "you are what you think" lets put difficult challenges into perspective and enjoy them. We are so privileged to be fit and healthy that even though it is physically and mentally tough, how good is it to be doing it? Have a great day and take time out to smell the flowers which is being helped by a little shower here and there.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Bad weather forecast
I've been travelling for the last 2 days but before I flew off I did a quick 10k run in the morning to try and sort my legs out or to be more accurate my glutes as they were complaining after my bike ride. So at 5.50 am on Wed I set off in a beautiful sunny day but had to wrap up as there was a frost on the grass and mist down by the river. I also knew that the good spell of weather was going to break so I had to get out there.
The glutes felt great but my quads knew they had worked hard so they were grateful for the day off today. Back in the pool tomorrow as it's not warm enough for open water swimming which they tried out last week. Apparently the extremities were a bit nippy!
Neil's been out on his bike and managed 6km - great effort for his first real go on the bike. He needs to cycle three times a week to build it up and with the start of his triathlon 31 days away there is no time for slacking!
The glutes felt great but my quads knew they had worked hard so they were grateful for the day off today. Back in the pool tomorrow as it's not warm enough for open water swimming which they tried out last week. Apparently the extremities were a bit nippy!
Neil's been out on his bike and managed 6km - great effort for his first real go on the bike. He needs to cycle three times a week to build it up and with the start of his triathlon 31 days away there is no time for slacking!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
A day of 2 halves
A phrase borrowed and slightly amended from football. I said the training was going to increase so this morning took to the pool at 7am for my first swim in 13 days, and it showed. The group were all tired so we went for an easy session. Including my warm up, which was slightly more as I got in first, we did a total of 2km and it wasn't fast. I got out feeling totally drained, light headed and feeling sick. Fortunately my 5.40 am porage didn't make a reappearance but I didn't feel good. An hour later two coffees and a fruit scone with jam and clotted cream boosted my sugar levels and I began to feel human again.
Later on in the day I went our for a 45 mile bike ride. The first half was great but then I realised the way home would be into wind. My average speed was 15.3 mph which is the norm and I can't seem to improve on this but will over the summer. This is more like the training I need to get ready for IM 70.3 UK.
I'm now showered, fed, watered and watching the football but my bum is complaining - it had better get used to it as there is more pain to come!
Neil's going out on his bike tonight so I'll report back on how he got on.
Later on in the day I went our for a 45 mile bike ride. The first half was great but then I realised the way home would be into wind. My average speed was 15.3 mph which is the norm and I can't seem to improve on this but will over the summer. This is more like the training I need to get ready for IM 70.3 UK.
I'm now showered, fed, watered and watching the football but my bum is complaining - it had better get used to it as there is more pain to come!
Neil's going out on his bike tonight so I'll report back on how he got on.
Monday, 2 May 2011
Watch out Lance!
Dropped off Neil's bike to him tonight and he took to it like a duck to water! Garreth from the tri club kindly supplied a slick road bike and they can be a bit twitchy to a less experienced rider. So now Neil has one month to finalise his training for the big day so I'll be drawing up a revised programme to help him. He has managed most of the training on his own which shows he is determined to succeed. This is helped by the support from the head coach Maz (his wife) and everyone who has sponsored him - he's raised over £900 so far for Friends of the Beatson http://www.justgiving.com/neil-sutherland .
Tomorrow I'm back in the pool having taken a few days off to recover from the Highland Fling. I have a lot of work to do between now and the UK IM 70.3 .
Tomorrow I'm back in the pool having taken a few days off to recover from the Highland Fling. I have a lot of work to do between now and the UK IM 70.3 .
Sunday, 1 May 2011
New experience
Yesterday was an unbelievable day in every sense. This was the sunniest day without a cloud in sight. The race followed the West Highland Way route from Milngavie (north of Glasgow) to Tyndrum which includes going along the side of Loch Lomond which I have never seem more beautiful. As expected my Garmin watch gave up before the start so I had nothing to judge my progress. I went off too fast but had to stay up with the group as it was easy to get lost in the beginning
The first leg was only 12 miles but cross country with lots of uneven footing. A previous years winner tripped, required 10 stitches and had to retire. Another runner was airlifted out with a suspected heart attack after stage 2 - I'm sure the heat was a factor.
I was happy with my time of 1hr 40 mins but felt a "cheat" as people congratulated us as we went past thinking we were fast but this is in comparison to the "ultra" runners that were completing the 53 miles on their own so therefore taking slower. I was amazed at the age of a large majority of the ultra runners i.e. 40 + and they came in all shapes and sizes. It made me think what a wimp I was being knackered after 12 miles but then I had given 100% knowing that was the finish, for me. Being part of a 4 man team was great as we all mucked in support each other through the race. Finished with fish and chips and headed home for a "wee dram" to send me off to sleep. Rest day today, back training tomorrow as the etape 81 mile bike race is only 2 weeks away!
The first leg was only 12 miles but cross country with lots of uneven footing. A previous years winner tripped, required 10 stitches and had to retire. Another runner was airlifted out with a suspected heart attack after stage 2 - I'm sure the heat was a factor.
I was happy with my time of 1hr 40 mins but felt a "cheat" as people congratulated us as we went past thinking we were fast but this is in comparison to the "ultra" runners that were completing the 53 miles on their own so therefore taking slower. I was amazed at the age of a large majority of the ultra runners i.e. 40 + and they came in all shapes and sizes. It made me think what a wimp I was being knackered after 12 miles but then I had given 100% knowing that was the finish, for me. Being part of a 4 man team was great as we all mucked in support each other through the race. Finished with fish and chips and headed home for a "wee dram" to send me off to sleep. Rest day today, back training tomorrow as the etape 81 mile bike race is only 2 weeks away!
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